Cameron here

\\Passionate - Nerdy - Dedicated//

You’ll probably find I do things a bit different than other photographers. I don’t boast about “winning” awards or spout needless “hype” words/phrases. I personally cringe at these kinds of things, and I don’t want to be that guy.

My goal is to get to know you as a couple so that I can create images that are unique to you, not framed so that I can win some award or fake internet likes. This is all about you.

The FacTs

I’m a husband and father of 2

My favorite food is chicken wings

I’m a metalhead

Coffee is bae

I play guitar

I’m a Harry Potter nerd (the Deathly Hallows symbol lives on my arm)

My biggest pet peeve is the sound of people chewing

I once went to state for cup stacking back in elementary school (and my wife loves to tease me about it)

I’ve met Steve Carell (this is when I peaked)

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